Ok internet I took another week off, sorry I let a game take over my life for a few days. Mass Effect 2, which, if you haven't played it yet go out and buy, steal or borrow it from someone. This is my game of the year so far for 2010. It took two kinds of games that I like and smashed them together RPGs and FPSs. For those of you who don't know what that means it's Role Playing Games and First Person Shooters. Well it's not really an FPS, but enough about what I've been doing - here's some news.

Top story from the week while I was gone and it's comic book movie related. We have ourselves a Sinestro who will be the villain in the Green Lantern movie Mark Strong. Yes folks the guy who played Lord Blackwood in the Sherlock Holmes movie will be playing
Sinestro Green Lantern's mentor and then arch-nemesis. This is a great add to a movie that should be awesome. Mark Strong is an actor who's been in a ton of great flicks - like RocknRolla, Body of Lies and Sherlock Holmes. He will also be in four more movies coming out this year(Robin Hood, Kick-Ass, etc). Also on the Green Lantern front
Geoff the man Johns was tweeting from New Orleans about how excited he is about the cast and the movie so far.
Here's the new tv spot for the Last Airbender the new M. Night Shyamalan movie. Which I have to say looks very EPIC. This will be on my short list of movies to watch for this year, enjoy.
This is a new documentary about how Disney almost stopped making cartoon movies and how they changed how they were made. It looks really good and to tell you the truth I don't know if I would like a world without movies like Aladdin or Lion King or even Beauty and Beast. This is one you should watch just to appreciate how hard they worked to bring us all these great movies.

Now for a remember me story. Hey remember the movie The Wraith? Yeah I didn't think so but it was a kick ass 80's movie with Charlie Sheen in it. This was a movie that would be on tv all the time when I was a kid. Well next month it will be getting a much deserved Special Edition dvd presentation. This movie kicked major ass if you ask me and it does have a cult fan base so it should do well.

Also on my do you remember me segment, the Goonies, yes that group of losers who we all cheered for has turned 25....OMG! Yes folks I just OMGed. There is going to be an event at the house where the movie was filmed. So if you're a fan of these two great 80's classics start your pre-orders and book those plane tickets.

Last story and it's on the "who gives a rat's ass front". Remember Scream the 90's teen horror movie, yeah I do too unfortunately. There is a forth one being made and I do believe Neve Campbell will be in this one too. This will go on my long list of movies not to even watch the trailer for. Well that is all have for you for now internet but I'll be hitting you up soon.