What's up internet world. Do I have a treat for you, I just watched Justice League Crisis on Two Earths. This has to be the best DC animated movie they have ever put out next to Mask of the Phantasm. Crisis on Two Earths has everything from the great storyline to the amazing action scenes. The one and only draw back that this movie has was not all the original voice actors were in the movie. But I can over look that one little minus in a sea of pluses.
The movie taking two very different Justice Leagues and pinning them up against each other and let me tell you it's a lot of fun to watch. A very different Lex come to get help from the Justice League that we all know and love. This Lex has his hands full up with a bad version of the JLA called the Crime Syndicate. They are a bunch a baddies that act like a MOB with super powers. Ultraman(this is their Superman) is the head of the family or so he thinks. But in fact Owlman(Batman's doppelganger) has a plan to destroy Earth prime. Now that's enough with my little the spoiler so I'll leave you with go out and watch this movie ASAP!! If your any type of comic book or comic book movie fan you will want to watch this movie. I add the trailer just to give you a little taste of the amazing this movie is enjoy it.
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