Ok first off I want to say that this will usually be put out on Fridays. But it's my first week at this blogging thing and I fell behind.
Ok so now I apologized let me get to my review of this week's winner. Dark Avengers #1 was my pick of the week and a ton of fun to read and for having a ton a text was a very fast read. Norman Osborne is the prefect for the role of the anti-Tony Stark and the way he picks his team of dark avengers is great. I was in the comic book shop the week before this book came and we were all trying to predict who was going to be what Avenger. We were mostly right.
Bulleye is
Hawkeye Venom is Spider-Man
Daken(aka Wolverine's Son) is Wolverine Moonstone is Ms Marvel and Norman is the Iron Patriot. Ladies and gentleman these are our new Avengers. God I can't wait till this teams meets the real Avengers in one of the later books. But it's late and I should have had this review done sooner. So this is my pick and I'm sticking to it.
I dont agree I think Robin should have been pick of the weekkk.......RObing.....He is the New Batman.
aka CEE