Thursday, May 21, 2009
today was a day gave me a scare. i fixed something at work ob the weekend and found out that i could have been fired for it. so this is a lesson i will keep with me for a while never fix anything at work.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
So not a Star Trek guy.
Ok so like I said I am tottally not a Star Trek guy. But I went to go see the movie on friday and it was awesome. This movie kicked ass from beginning to end and they need to start working on part two asap. I don't think anything else this summer movie season will top Star Trek, I may go watch it again in IMAX this time I can feel like holy shit the whole time. But if you haven't seen the movie go watch and bring a friend. One word AWESOME.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
New posts after five
I will have new posts up after five today. I had a crazy week my sister had a baby girl 7lb 19 inch. Cute as a button and my sister is awesome she's my hero. This week was also my last full week at my old job. So there was a lot of stuff I had to finish up and deal with. So mind had been far from blogging.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Ok I was watching the new earlier today and I saw this and it's my WFT moment of the day. A guy lives after being hit by a truck that got hit by a train. HOLY SHIT!!!!!! Ok I needed to get that out of my system. But this has to be the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Check it out for yourself link......
Feel better soon

Today is a bit of a sad day because a really cool person is in the hospital. Robin Williams beloved comedian is in a hospital in Florida getting ready to undergo a valve replacement surgery. He was forced to cancel 4 shows in Florida before checking in to the hospital. Mr Williams is in good spirits because he only called the hospital visit a "tune up" . Mr Williams we all wish the best of luck and hope you make us laugh real soon. Here's a link to a better written article.
Robin Williams
Back in the day
Remember Smurf Berry Cereal and Dino Pebbles? Well if you don't here's a cool link I found that might jog you memory a little. It's even has some of the old commercials if you need proof that these were the real deal...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Super Prank
Ok so I've seen some good pranks but this is one of the best. Check out the link........lmao
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Go Green Lantern Go

Ok so I will admit that I wasn't always a Green Lantern fan however the Green Lantern has grown on me. I watched the New Frontier movie and Green Lantern wasn't a bad character. So I started reading his comics and lucky for me they were doing an origins arch so I dove right in. Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern is a complex dude and has a very interesting story. So interesting that he is getting a full length animated movie. Check out this link for a bit more info.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Movie trailer time
This is the trailer to a movie called Adverntureland. Staring the girl from Twilight Kristen Stewart and the kid from Cursed Jesse Eisenberg. I just watched it and this movie might not be to bad. Give me some feed back.
kristen stewart,
red band
That's cool
So Nintendo made a very cool upgrade on their classic controller. They mad it larger and added handel to it, making it look more like the XBOX and Playstation 3 controllers. Here's the link to the picture and full article about. Link
Thursday, February 26, 2009
One Bad Mother F@#KER

I have one thing to say Marvel Studios you rock! Marvel just signed Samuel L. Jackson a nine picture deal to play Nick Fury in several different up coming Marvel studio projects such as Iron Man 2, Captain America and Thor. here's the link.
iron man,
samuel l jackson,
WTF moment of the day
So about two weeks ago some guy goes into a Burger King and orders some food. Well he gets his food and when he asks the girl behind the counter for a lemonade. The girl tells him sorry sir we don't have any. This guy goes crazy, flips out on her and calls 911. If you don't believe me check out the clip from the news I found.
Burger King,
Crazy man
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My mommy told me not to play video games
When I was 8, my parents got me my first nintendo I would play it for hours on end. One day my mom told me that they had just diagnosed a kid in a hospital with a disease called nintendovitis. About 6 months later, I found out that it was a fake disease but now 19 years later I find out later she was on to something. There's a new skin disorder being diagnosed in children and people who play video games excessively. Here read the article:
growing up,
video games
Now this is a tunnel of love
Ok so I was looking for something interesting and I ran into this little bit of WOW.

The name of the installation is Multiverse, and it was installed by artist Leo Villareal in a 200-foot-long tunnel in the National Gallery of Art in Washingtong DC. The entire thing features 41,000 LEDs that animate and move on their own, using randomness to ensure that no one will see the same configurations twice. Multiverse will be on display throughout 2009.

The name of the installation is Multiverse, and it was installed by artist Leo Villareal in a 200-foot-long tunnel in the National Gallery of Art in Washingtong DC. The entire thing features 41,000 LEDs that animate and move on their own, using randomness to ensure that no one will see the same configurations twice. Multiverse will be on display throughout 2009.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Welcome me back people
Ok ok ok I know I've been gone for a while but you know what guys I'm back. I had some shit going on and some money issues. But who am I kidding so is the rest of the world. So let me put away my clenex and show you some nice shit. Let's kick it into gear.
Your Boy River
Your Boy River
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just checking in.
Ok I know I having written anything in a few days. But I was sick as a dog for two and didn't want to do anything. Anyway just wanted to check in and say as soon as I get out of work I will have some new posts for you guys.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Come get your toys.

Hey guys check it out the new transformer toys out. This is the new SoundWave toy from part 2 of the Transformer movie franchise. Now I don't know but that is a bad ass toy. I wanted the Bumblebee toy from the last movie but missed out on it. I don't think I will miss out on these toys. Here's the link Check out the new Bumblebee.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
You know you want it

College can be great

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pix of the day

Hey guys you might like this, I found a page full of these. The site has a bunch of super heroes as women these are just some of the ones I liked. Looks to be all fan made which is super cool. Here's the link The site runs alittle slow or just might be my computer.
WTF of the day
So i just read some on that turned my stomach. A basket ball coach at a all girls school in Texas was fired because his team beat another team 100-0. WTF people this guy's team is better then the other and he gets fired for that. Dude if you want come to Jersey and I'll get you a job coaching at one of the schools around here they'd love you. All I can say is WHAT THE FUCK People! Here's the link to the full article
I like PIE!!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009
Comic Book Pick of the Week

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Life after 60.

So have you ever looked at your 60 something year old grandfather and shit just put me out of my misery at that point. Well not Sly he is 62 years old and god damn. Makes me feel like a fat lazy good for nothing. Hey Arnold eat your heart.
Friday, January 23, 2009
This is for all my gamers out there.
Hey did you ever wounder what it would be like if your favorite weapon from a video game was real? Well you just got your wish. Here's an awesome gallery of some of the best video game weapons come to life.
Ok so I was on and read something awful. A man killed his wife because she changed you facebook status from married to single. Here's the link to read the full article on the BBC news website. Amazing how crazy people can be.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I found something
Ok guys and gals like I said this blog is about have fun and spreading the love. So in saying that it took me most of the day but I found my item of the day. This was just to ridiculous not to share. I found it on Please leave a comment if you like what I found and take my poll.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Day Off
Okay so this is what I do with a day from work I find dumb shit like on the internet. God I love the internet. Let me know if you love this gem from the 80's like I do.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Signning on for the 1st time.

So I know my blog is called "Bored want to listen" and that just means I'm going to write about stupid shit I do when I'm bored. But since today is my 1st blog ever I'm going to write about something amazing that happened today. We the United States of America officially swore in the 1st black president in the history of this great country of our(I know that was cheesey). It's a great day and hope this means that more change is in our future. I know other countries have already had black and even female leaders in office, but we were not ready for that change. Well America get ready because if you are or aren't it came here and now and it's name is Barack Hussein Obama. So fasten you seat bells and place you tray table in there upright postion and get ready for a crazy ride people. Bush left us without a pot to piss in and Barack has a hell of a up hill battle but I think he is the right man for the job. So I say good lucky and we're here for you Mr President.
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